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How much money can an inmate have on their books in Ohio?

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    Status How is homelessness defined? What is given to the homeless for free? Does the DOC expect a refund? If yes, for what? Policy Numbers, Documents, or Other Relevant Source Alabama “An inmate who is financially unable to pay the co-payment and is therefore permitted to continue in pauperis form. To assess the cost of medical co-payments, an inmate who has less than an average daily balance of twenty dollars ($20.00) in their ITF account for the past ninety (90) days AND no total gross earnings greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00) received. during the last ninety (90) days shall be considered destitute.” Medical co-payments. No AR-703 and AR-703-1 Alaska “An occupant who currently has less than $20 in their account and has not had more than $50 in their account in the past 30 days. An inmate with more than $50 in their account in the past 30 days remains destitute if no more than $50 remains after mandatory deductions (restitution, fines, child support enforcement orders, violent crime compensation payments, or civil judgments). . , p. ) or deductions for educational materials or courses, counseling, or medical care.” Send up to 5 mailings per week, weighing up to two pounds each; Each facility has a system that allows homeless people to obtain hygiene items through the commissariat. Yes, the cost of certified copies and photocopies of personal materials must be reimbursed. 806.02, 808.12, and 810.03 Arizona “One whose account balance is $12.00 or less and has not exceeded that amount in the preceding 30 days.” Send up to three letters per week via First Class Mail; Health care. No. ADCRR Arkansas Constituent Services Information Manual and Glossary of Terms “Must have been in the unit for 30 days, have less than $10 in the account and have received less than $10 in the immediately preceding 30 days.” Every 30 days, people deemed destitute will receive an unspecified amount of money that can be used to purchase consignment items. No. California Inmate Handbook “An inmate in a state penitentiary who has maintained an inmate trust account of $25 or less for 30 consecutive days.” Handwashing, bathing, oral hygiene, and other personal hygiene products, including but not limited to: Soap , toothpaste or tooth powder, toothbrush and toilet paper; Stationery, envelopes, a pen, and postage are required for five 1-ounce First Class letters per week; an indefinite number of envelopes (measured) when housed in a behavior management unit; free notarized documents; Necessary duplication of printed forms and other written or typed materials, special paper, envelopes and postage for mailing to courts; You can get donated working TVs; free unlimited mail to any court or Attorney General’s Office; Inmates in need will have property delivered to an address of their choice at CDCR’s expense; In third-level appeals, destitute inmates are not required to split their appeal into separate mail items to meet needy mail weight restrictions. Free shipping and a copy of the legal documents required by the court, plus a copy for the opposing party and a copy for the inmate’s records. Yes, if a penniless inmate wants money for a hobby, he can apply for a handyman loan. The loan is considered bad if they are on probation or fired from CDCR. AB 2533, NCR 20-02, an email exchange with CDCR on 10/08/2021, and the following policies in the CDCR Operations Manual: 14010.21, 52051.17, 54010.5, 54010.5.2, 54010.5.3, 54030.13.3, 54100.6, 62060.7 and 101050.4.4. Colorado “A criminal with no capital or source of income.” Send one letter per week, subject to funding; basic hygiene kits including soap, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, denture cleaner and glue, and razors; if the head of administration considers that there are compelling circumstances, he may require the State to pay for a telephone call, which will remain in his chronological record and will be monitored; You can make collective calls. #850.11 and an email exchange with CDOC on 10/26/2021. Connecticut “Less than $5.00 on your account in the last 90 days.” Personal hygiene items including shampoo, soap, toothpaste and toothbrush, comb, disposable razor, sanitary napkins/tampons; underwear and footwear; Stationery, including the pen and up to 20 sheets of paper for courts and solicitors per month; Send two social letters a week and five privileged letters a month; sick call tariffs. no Family and Friends Handbook, Inmate Handbooks and an email exchange with CT DOC on 12/10/2021. Delaware “A penniless offender has an established pattern of insufficient funds in his trust fund account, averaging less than $10 per day for a rolling 30-day period, to pay for supplies such as basic personal toiletries, certificates, postage and legal copies .” None. Yes, homeless people have to pay for the cost of toiletries, stationery, postage, legal photocopies, exemption clothing and goal money. The Department of Corrections should be compensated whenever possible and a negative balance will remain on the books until satisfied, even after release. (Source. DE DOC) E-mail exchange with DEDOC on 10/29/2021. Federal “An inmate without money (indigent inmate) is an inmate who has not had a $6.00 balance in an escrow account in the past 30 days.” No health service fee; over-the-counter medications at the facility’s pharmacy; they provided oral hygiene products; If they are moving from one facility to another and have something that can be transferred, the facility can pay for postage to complete the transfer. Nos. P6031.02, P6541.02, 6400.03 and 5800.18 Florida definition of homelessness not available. Paper and stationery for preparing legal documents. No. Rule 33-601.800 Georgia “An inmate may be considered destitute for the purposes of this SOP if the account records show that his escrow account is less than ten dollars ($10.00) at the time of the inmate’s request. internal to use the funds. Frozen funds are not counted for these purposes. none. Yes, costs incurred for postage and correspondence are to be reimbursed. 406.19 and an email exchange with GDC on 10/11/2021. Hawaii “An inmate with less than $10.00 in income on his account for expenses at the time of application.” Postage and supplies for three privileged letters per week and one official or personal letter per week; one phone call per week. Yes, services such as fee-based court proceedings and notary services are remunerated but will be debited from the detainee’s account and debited to your detainee escrow account upon posting. COR.15.02 and an email exchange with Hawaii DPS on 10/8/2021. Idaho “An inmate who has been in an IDOC correctional facility (including a contract facility) for 30 consecutive days and whose escrow account has a balance of less than $0.15 and has had no deposits for 30 consecutive days. If the inmate is paroled or paroled and returns to IDOC as an inmate, the 30-day clock starts over. If the inmate is transported to another facility, a hospital, a county jail, or abroad, the inmate will retain his or her means status upon return to an IDOC facility, provided the inmate has not received bail in the meantime.” delivered once a week if requested, including soap, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste and disposable razors; Materials (4 sheets of paper, an envelope, a pen) and postage for one personal letter per week; one additional mailing envelope per week for confidential correspondence; Envelopes, postage and photocopies for legal mail. Legal shipping materials include 25 sheets of paper, envelopes and a black ink pen; If gender dysphoria is diagnosed, the state issues appropriate undergarments; replacement of glasses if necessary; over-the-counter medicines, if approved by the health care provider. No. 402.02.01.001, 306.02.01.001 and email exchanges with IDOC on 10/14/2021. Illinois Illinois had three different definitions in the same document. 1. “Anyone who does not receive payment from the offender due to court restitution claims, corrections, etc.” from the trust fund on the date of delivery or at any time within 30 days prior to delivery exceeds $20.00. ” Sanitary kit including soap, toothpaste, and toothbrush; no criminal record access processing fee; medical co-payments. No. Indiana Orientation Guide “An inmate who, on the date of application, has a trust fund balance of less than fifteen dollars ($15.00 ) and no more than fifteen dollars ($15.00) has been cumulatively credited to the escrow account in the last thirty (30) days.” or soap with deodorant), shampoo and shaving supplies Filing of legal documents; Copies of legal documents. #02- 01-104 and 00-01-102 Iowa “An inmate with less than $6.00 in his account has not had an account balance of more than $6.00 in the past thirty days and his net income is 6 $.00 not exceeded in your account in the last thirty days.” Up to $3.50 credit towards the purchase of legal correspondence consumables Certain hygiene items to be determined by each establishment are. Nos. AD-GA-16, IO-OR-05 and AD-FM-11 Kansas “An inmate whose bank account for the previous month has a cumulative amount to be spent of less than $12.00. The cumulative withdrawable amount is determined by adding all deposits made during the month to the opening account balance and subtracting any fines, fees, refunds, garnishments, compulsory savings and court fee payments or liens assessed during the month. Amounts voluntarily debited from the detainee’s account will not be deducted from the total of opening balances and deposits.” An electric fan if they are in a device without adequate circulation; basic personal hygiene items including toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, comb or comb and soap; a pencil, stationery, envelopes, and postage for four national first-class letters at one ounce per month. Nos. 12-127, 12-128A and Kentucky Inmate Trust Account FAQs “An inmate who held a balance in their inmate account and their media account totaling $5.00 or less for thirty (30) days prior to establishing their status as needy has applied for. ” Postage and stationery sufficient to send two letters a week, weighing an ounce or less; “reasonable amounts” of legal consumables, postage and photocopying services as needed. No. 14.4, 15.7 and 16.2. The Louisiana definition of homelessness is not available. Unknown. Unknown. none. Maine “You have no account balance at the facility and no balance in any personal savings or investment account at the time you make an application for free privileged mail, free legal photocopying, or free basic hygiene.” Stationery and postage for at least four first-class letters at an ounce a week; basic hygiene items; Writing and mailing material for correspondence with solicitors, courts and the inspection department of the MDOC (without limitation); commission items authorized by the Administrator; free photocopies of court documents; If they have access to tablets, they get 20 free text messages per week. Yes, a resident with less than US$10 is entitled to call minutes up to US$2.50 per week (call rate is 9 cents per minute) and must pay them back within six months if possible. There is a health care law that requires a $5.00 co-payment for some services. If a resident has less than $15, this co-payment is waived and must be repaid within six months if possible. Prison and Incarceration Standards for Maine counties and communities and email exchanges with MDOC on 10/14/2021. Maryland “An inmate who has not been paid for a job or school in the past 2 weeks and has less than $2 in their expense account, or an inmate who has not received $2 in their expense account in the past 2 weeks.” Toiletries including toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap, shaving cream, disposable razor, deodorant and shampoo; Pen, paper, envelopes and postage for seven letters per week No. COMAR 02/12/2001, OPS.250.0001, PATX.175-0002 and an e-mail exchange with Maryland DPSCS on 10/08/2021. Massachusetts “(a) At the time of application, the inmate has an aggregate balance in all accounts to which he has access of less than or equal to $10.00 plus any charges or fees to be waived; and (b) at no time during the 60 days immediately preceding such request does the inmate’s accounts show more than $10.00 plus the charges or fees to be waived. (e.g. $5.00 exemption request on July 1, 2015; required if at any time since May 1, 2015 the total in the accounts was more than $15.00). Next to 103 CMR 481.05. Needy Inmate (a) or (b), the Superintendent may, in its sole discretion, designate an inmate as needy if the inmate has less than $2.00 in his or her account at the time of the request, or in other circumstances than he or she sees fit three first-class one-ounce letters per week; unlimited letters of any weight to any bailiff. No. 103 CMR 481.00 Michigan “1. The prisoner’s available balance (on the first day of the calendar month prior to the request) plus Gross receipts (total receipts in the calendar month prior to the request) did not equal or exceed $11.00 except in the following cases: a. If funds are received that are intended for discharge planning or for medical or school expenses, those funds will not be included in the calculation b) If funds that are the subject of a hearing are withheld (e.g. health insurance co-payment, reimbursement, correction of errors), will en these funds are not included in the inmate’s initial available account balance. C. If the inmate is subject to IRS withholding tax, the receipts will be determined before the tax is withheld. AND 2. The occupant has no known redeemable savings bonds.” None. Yes, homeless people receive a loan ($11.00 less the balance in their account) to purchase health care products, non-prescription personal care products, and hygiene products. In addition, they are loaned the necessary amount for up to 10 stamps per month. 2/4/120 Minnesota “An inmate who currently has less than $1.00 in the spending account, less than $1.00 in the voluntary savings account, has not made any dining room purchases in the last 14 days and has not made any in the last 14 days withdrawal requests processed or has not been moved to another facility in the past 14 days.” Materials for the postal service, including a pen as needed and 35 sheets of stationery per week; one large (9.5″ x 12.5″) first class envelope (maximum weight 13 ounces), postage paid weekly; two premium business size envelopes (maximum weight 13 ounces) postage paid per week (up to 4″ x 9.5″); A total of 35 photocopied sheets of legal and medical records per week; One over-the-counter drug from the canteen per week; Laundry soap and personal care items, including examples such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, comb, deodorant, soap, shampoo, dental floss and (if wearing dentures) denture cleanser and medically approved adhesive as permitted in the catalog of restricted central canteens of MINNCOR. Yes, if someone cannot afford medical care or is destitute, the correctional facility will find a way to delay payment or waive the fee. 300.140 and the Fact Sheet on Physician and Nursing Services Mississippi Medical Definition: “Not having sufficient funds to pay the assessed fee at the time of seeking health care services.” Mail Definition: “A needy occupant is defined as someone who does not have a Has money and has maintained a balance of less than one first class stamp or less for 30 consecutive days prior to requested mailing.” None. Yes, those in need will have to pay for healthcare at a later date. Similarly, destitute individuals can send legal documents after proving that there are pending litigation, but the Corrections Department will give them a negative postage balance on their account. Inmate Handbook Missouri definition of homelessness not available. Unknown. Unknown. none. mountain “1. The offender received or spent less than $15 in the previous month. 2. The offender has less than $15 in their account at the end of the previous month. 3. The offender has less than $15 in their account at the time of verification. 4. The application form must be complete and clearly written. 5. Application must be received by the facility’s resident account representative no later than the second business day of each month.” A package for inmates in need that includes toiletries, paper, envelopes, writing implements, and postage (for writing and mailing legal documents). No. DOC 4.1.4, DOC 3.3.6 and an email exchange with MDOC on 11/3/2021. Nebraska “Those who have not had a balance of $10.00 or more in their institutional and/or regular savings account in the last thirty days.” Five US Postage Class First Class embossed envelopes per month or postage equivalent for mailing letters to maintain ties to the community; Hygiene products including soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste or powder, comb, toilet paper, special toiletries for female inmates, shaving kit upon request, denture cleaner and glue; Each month, needy inmates can choose between five stamps or a $2.50 airtime charge. Nos. 205.01, 205.03, and 111.01 Nevada “Inmates whose Escrow Balance for the Entire Previous Month is $10 or Less.” Legal Supplies (white stationery, paper, carbon paper, envelopes, pens, 1 fireproof box) once a month; one blue pen per month; two envelopes and four sheets of paper a week. Yes, destitute people can use all the statutory postage they need, but they have to send it back. Co-payments and other benefits that inmates cannot afford eventually have to be paid back. AR 722, NDOC glossary and email exchange with NDOC on 10/13/2021. The New Hampshire definition of homelessness is not available. Limited quantities of writing paper and envelopes for your exclusive use. No. New Jersey Inmate Orientation Manual “An inmate who has no balance in his account and is unable to earn inmate wages due to prolonged illness or other uncontrollable circumstances and who has no proven outside source from which to obtain money . photocopying services including legal material; personal hygiene items including soap, toothbrush, toothpaste or tooth powder, comb, toilet paper, shaving implements and special feminine hygiene products; $15 per month for commission; They will not be charged for services such as legal mail, legal copies, medical co-payments, etc. #10A-31, Inmate Handbook and an email exchange with NJDOC on 10/12/2021. New Mexico “Your trust fund account has been without funds or activity for a period of one (1) month prior to your request for such items.” Underwear, shoes, uniforms, blankets, pillows, towels, etc. are provided by the state; two first class letters a week; reasonable postage for legal purposes; free paper and pens; one free call per week and one free video call per week; two hygiene packs per week including toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant and can request more if required. No. CD-151200, CD-151100, CD-150200 and a phone call to NMCD on 10/14/2021. The New York definition of homelessness is not available. Unknown. Yes, any costs incurred for legal shipping must be reimbursed. 2788 North Carolina “A criminal is considered destitute if he does not have money to buy basic toiletries such as soap or deodorant.” Up to 10 stamps per month for 1 ounce personal letters. This stamp limit does not apply to mail related to legal matters; basic hygiene items every 30 days; upon release, they will receive a $45 deposit if they have served two consecutive years of a felony sentence; upon release, they will be paid the price of a bus ticket if they do not have at least 5 times the fare in their offender’s bank account at the time of their release; Before discharge, DOC helps them open a bank account, find housing with the local housing authority, obtain a driver’s license from the DMV, or a birth certificate from the North Carolina Office of Vital Records. They also try to get them closer to home if possible so family can pick them up. No. Handbook for Family and Friends of Offenders and email exchange with NCDPS on 10/08/2021. North Dakota “Must have received $15.00 or less in spendable money each month. This also includes expense balances carried over from the previous month. You must be actively looking for work and not have quit a job, been refused work, or been fired from a job or work assignment in the last 30 days.” Up to $4 credit per month for legal copies, legal postage, and regular or personal postage; basic hygiene; writing materials; In the case of oral surgery, DOC can waive the co-payment; reimbursement of costs for glasses every two years; two free 15-minute phone calls per month to communicate with your children and two free video visit sessions per month for those who are actively involved in family reunification as part of your case plan; Hearing aid batteries (hearing aids are given to anyone who needs them); If the PCP agrees, an over-the-counter medication can be provided. Yes, when the $4 credit for legal copies, legal postage, and regular or personal postage is used up, money will be deducted from your Release Assistance Account. Any money spent in excess of this available balance is accounted for as a liability. Occupant handbook and email exchange with NDDOCR on 10/08/2021. Ohio “An inmate is considered destitute if he/she has earned or received less than $12.00 in the 30 days immediately preceding the application and if the inmate’s account balance is not $12.00 at any time in the immediately preceding thirty (30) days exceeded the request. In the case of an inmate who has been incarcerated for less than thirty (30) days, the inmate shall be deemed destitute if at any time during the incarceration the inmate’s account balance has not exceeded $12.00.” Legal kit issued two every 30 days includes large brown envelopes, a black ink pen, five sheets of carbon paper, 40 sheets of white bond or copier paper, and a white legal pad from the library; first class mail to courts; one postage paid envelope per month; Weekly provided hygiene kit with toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, comb or comb, razor, deodorant and 2 packs of sanitary pads and/or tampons for those entering women’s facilities; Eight free email stamps per month for outgoing email only, including videograms and attachments. #59-LEG-01, 61-PRP-02, 75-MAL-01 and an email exchange with ODRC on 10/08/2021. Oklahoma “An inmate is considered destitute if the sum of his available balance at the end of the day and any voluntary withdrawals made in the last 30 days does not exceed $10.50. a. “Voluntary” is any withdrawal, cash withdrawal, canteen sale, or similar transaction, with the exception of birth certificate withdrawals. b. Co-payments, court costs, fines, fees, institutional debt and similar transactions do not count toward $10.50 “voluntary” withdrawals. The available balance will be checked if it exceeds the $10.50 limit after these charges are made. If co-payments, court costs, fines, fees, institutional debt and similar mandatory charges debit all but $10.50 of the monies an inmate receives in his available balance and the inmate would be destitute, the inmate remains destitute.” Two 1- Ounces Prime or Non-Privilege cards per week; personal hygiene items including soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste or powder, denture cleaner and glue, comb, toilet paper, razor, sanitary napkins/tampons (for women) and deodorant; If someone has confiscated a fan or TV, they can give it to a homeless person instead of auctioning it off. Nos. OP-120230 and OP-030117 Oregon “Two categories of inmates qualify for needy status. (a) A Priority Legal User who, at the time of the request, does not have sufficient funds in the Inmate’s escrow account to pay for the cost of necessary supplies, photocopies, and postal service, will receive the necessary supplies, photocopies, and mail service notwithstanding the Inmate’s election . Needy status under these rules. (b) A generally lawful user with an upcoming court deadline who is able to show that they are unable to raise funds or purchase the necessary supplies or shipping services within the court time will be provided with the necessary supplies, photocopies and shipping services regardless of the Inmate’s means status under these regulations.” Additional storage units for the storage of legal materials in their living quarters; Envelopes for necessary court records. Yes. Those in need can get photocopies, mail and services, but their bills will be billed and they will have to pay back the state. The same goes for those requesting copies of their own records (medical, dental, psychiatric, etc.) 291-139-0180, 291-117-0100, 291-139-0130, and 291-037-0020 Pennsylvania “An inmate for whom the combined balances of his Facility Account and all other accounts will be $10 or less at any time. within 30 days prior to the date the occupant makes a request to the Facility Manager’s Designee/Authorised Agent. An inmate who refuses work/school when physically able and not prevented from work/school by his/her residency status is not in need for the purposes of this policy and is not entitled to free stationery or to Advance Postage An inmate who is in self-restraint may also be considered a rejection of available work, even if physically able, as determined by the Program Review Committee (PRC). Any inmate who has funds in another account that, if deposited into their facility account, would bring their balance to more than $10 is not destitute. An inmate who has not made a good faith effort to manage his money to meet the necessary legal expenses is not destitute.” Stationery and a pen; up to $11 per month for copying and postage for legal mail; basic hygiene items. No. DC-ADM 803 and DC-ADM 815 Rhode Island “Alguien que está involuntariamente desempleado, tiene menos de $10 en su cuenta activa y no ha tenido depósitos de $10 o más en los dos meses anteriores”. Un kit para indigentes cada treinta días que incluye 1 botella de champú, un tubo de crema de afeitar, dos navajas desechables, un bloc de notas, seis sobres #10, una barra de jabón, un tubo de pasta dedienes, un cepillo de dientes, un bolígrafo, tres dos paquetes de analgésicos genéricos y un desodorante en barra; tres cartas personales por semana y correo legal. No. 2.25-03 DOC y un intercambio de correo electrónico con RIDOC el 7/10/2021. Carolina del Sur “Un preso cuyo E.H. El saldo y/o los depósitos de la cuenta de Cooper durante un período de 30 días no han excedido los $6.42”. Un par de zuecos o tenis (bobos) para fines recreativos si los zapatos específicos del trabajo emitidos por el estado no están autorizados para usar durante actividades recreativas; un pack de higiene que incluye tres jabones, un lápiz, un tubo de dentífrico, un cepillo de dientes, un desodorante, dos sobres, ocho hojas de papel, dos geles 3 en 1 para hombre o tres geles 3 en 1 para mujer, cuatro maquinillas de afeitar desechables y un peine. No. ADM-16.08 y ADM-15.13 Dakota del Sur “Sus fondos para gastos son menos de $1.00; no tienen compras de economato en el último mes calendario y no tenían depósitos en el último mes calendario”. Desconocido. Sí. Las personas indigentes reciben artículos del “comisario para indigentes” cada 30 días, y cualquier artículo que acepten será debitado con una obligación de crédito 1.2.E.1 Definición de indigencia de Tennessee no disponible. dos sellos postales por período de pago; franqueo de primera clase para el correo legal saliente; materiales religiosos si alguien los dona (por ejemplo, voluntarios, clérigos externos u otras organizaciones externas). No. 507.02, 118.01 y 507.03 Texas “Cuando un infractor de TDCJ. (1) tiene un saldo inferior a $5 en una cuenta de fondo fiduciario para reclusos (ITF); (2) tiene una tarjeta de identificación (ID) dañada o extraviada; o (3) está en la primera semana de estado de bloqueo durante más de siete días consecutivos”. Ninguna. Sí. Las personas indigentes pueden recibir papelería y franqueo, pero deben devolverlo cuando se depositan los fondos en sus cuentas. Lo mismo se aplica a los copagos médicos: no tienen que pagar por adelantado, pero los cargos se acumularán y el DOC esperará el pago cada vez que se vuelvan a colocar fondos en sus cuentas. BP-03.91 y TDCJ Folleto de tarifas anuales de servicios de atención médica Utah “Un recluso que no haya tenido más de nueve dólares en su cuenta de recluso durante 45 días consecutivos puede ser elegible para el estado de indigencia”. Duplicación de registros médicos; un sobre de primera clase de una onza por semana; artículos de higiene personal que incluyen un cepillo de dientes cada 3 meses, pasta de dientes, jabón, un peine pequeño y una navaja de afeitar desechable cada semana; duplicación de registros legales (hasta 25 por semana); materiales de escritura, incluidos papel para escribir, sobres, lápices y bolígrafos; IDENTIFICACIÓN. tarjetas (y no tienen que pagar por un reemplazo si se pierde o se lo roban). No. Manual de Orientación para Reclusos y página de información de Atención Médica para Reclusos Definición de indigencia de Vermont no disponible. Calcetines y ropa interior a la llegada; artículos de higiene; si alguien ordena algo del economato y se le entrega antes de recibir los artículos, pueden ser donados a los indigentes. No. Manual del recluso Virginia “Un interno con menos de $5.00 en su cuenta de interno para gastos discrecionales durante el mes anterior y no tiene trabajo u otra fuente de ingresos que haya proporcionado tanto como $5.00 durante el mes anterior o un interno que acaba de recibir una instalación y no tiene fondos disponibles ni artículos de higiene”. Artículos de higiene que incluyen cepillo de dientes, pasta de dientes, limpiador y adhesivo para dentaduras postizas, champú, desodorante, peine, maquinilla de afeitar y jabón en barra; paquete legal que incluye papel, bolígrafo, papel carbón y sobre manilla; franqueo de una carta nacional de primera clase de una onza por semana; Estipendio de $50 cada año para copias de la información de notificación del infractor. Sí. Si una persona indigente participa en el mes de ayuno de Ramadán o NOI, debe pagar su bandeja de comida entre el amanecer y el atardecer. The cost will be charged as a loan if they don’t have a sufficient amount to cover the cost. 050.1, 866.3, 802.2, and an email exchange with VADOC on 10/12/2021. Washington “An inmate who has less than a twenty-five dollar balance of disposable income in his or her institutional account on the day a request is made to utilize funds and during the thirty days previous to the request.” Ninguna. Sí. Indigent people will not be denied access to personal hygiene items, or medical, dental, or mental health care but they will have to pay the money back once they have money available. Additionally any money spent on postage for regular and legal mail will also have to be paid back. RCW 72.09.015, DOC 440.080, WAC 137-48-060 West Virginia Indigence definition not available. Mail letters to attorneys or the courts using a stamped envelope; an “indigent package” (no further explanation provided). No. Offender Orientation Manual Wisconsin Indigence definition not available. If they are transgender or intersex, they can ask the health services unit for Magic Shave without a copay; basic hygiene items; feminine hygiene products are free; free stamped envelope biweekly and two free phone calls per week; one free haircut per month; state issued shoes, clothing, linens, and towels; over the counter medication; state issued glasses if prescribed; free state-issued ID upon return to community. Sí. The DOC will loan up to $100 annually to indigent people for supplies, photocopies, and postage to allow them access to the courts for litigation related to their own cases. 500.70.27, 309.51.01, and an email exchange with WI DOC on 10/13/2021. Wyoming “An inmate who has no source of income and no money on his/her account. Inmates who have twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or more credited to their account at any time in any given month from any source for discretionary spending shall not be considered indigent during that month regardless of their account balance at any time during that month.” Use of pens and paper when in the law library; replacement glasses; Hygiene items including soap, toilet paper, and a tooth brush, toothpaste, denture cleaner and adhesives, shaving equipment and “special hygiene needs.” Sí. Costs of mailings, printing, photocopying, and any indigent mail packets they are given will result in debt. They will accrue indebtness until they’ve reached 180 days of indigency, at which point there will not be additional charges for the subsequent period of consecutive indigence. If they receive outside money, up to 50% will be taken for reimbursement towards indigent indebtness. 3.401, 4.322, 4.201, and an email exchange with WY DOC on 10/15/2021.

    See the full appendix

    How does an inmate receive money?

    Inmates have a trust fund or calling account where any money they receive will be deposited. As well as being sent money, prisoners can earn it from their institutional work assignments. The amount they receive is based on the Inmate Performance Pay scale, which is significantly less than they would earn outside of prison.

    When you send money, always keep the receipt and order number to track it, in case there are any problems.
