Quisque at diam et neque dictum sagittis. Suspensions eget justo pharetra, feugiat dolor vitae, cursus leo. Morbi facilisis eu nisi sadique blandit. Entero turpis pain, fringilla ut sagittis et, tempus fringilla ex. Sed ultrices neque id lorem consequat gravida. power suspension. Aenean non egestas libero, I always read here. In tempor disturb nibh, eu lobortis magna commodo sed. Suspension in nisl ligula. In pharetra eget lectus quis fringilla. Morbi auctor, dui vitae tempus lacinia, hasse nisl fermentum ipsum, vel hendrerit lorem lacus quis pain. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Aenean sit amet purus id dui pretium ultricies. Pellentesque tincidunt consectetur metus sed laoreet. Phasellus quis nisi tempor, fringilla orci in, dapibus dolor. Ut aliquet tristique finibus. Sed ut interdum dui. Nulla velit dolor, luctus ut consectetur et, consectetur vel quam. Fusce a sagittis elit, en convallis ipsum. Nunc luctus facilisis sagittis. Fusce egestas, dolor vitae dignissim lacinia, leo nisi egestas dui, euismod blandit elit nisi and magna. Duis convallis consequat quam et pharetra. Nullam eget viverra lacus. Fusce sodales nulla in sagittis maximus. Suspensions quis solicitudin ligula. Nulla non ullamcorper magna, eu ullamcorper magna. Fusce vel massa orci. Morbi pharetra dui ullamcorper libero cursus viverra.
How do I know if I am entitled to have my criminal record wiped?
Below are SOME of the criteria for deleting your criminal record. Please note that this is not a cancellation guarantee. Applications must be completed online by July 11.
Copied directly from the Dallas County Expungement Expo site:
Upon release from Dallas County Jail
214 release: Hindieh Law, you may continue to represent the accused , after we get you quick releases. After all, posting bail is often just the first step in saving a person’s liberty and property. They are still waiting for a court date or to be formally charged with a crime. We provide full and ongoing legal representation at pre-trial hearings, at all court hearings and throughout the trial or hearing.
Regardless of what offense you have been charged with, whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony, it is crucial to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. In serious cases, I work with experienced investigators to build the strongest defenses in each case. If I can’t drop or reduce your fees, I’ll work as hard as I can to ease the pain.
Circumstances in which a judge may refuse bail
Bail for a felony pending trial may be refused
A county judge may refuse bail on bail if a court proceeding for a felony other than a felony is pending in the following circumstances: