The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office is committed to protecting the life, property and rights of all people, maintaining order and enforcing the law. The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office will strive to fulfill this mission by setting goals and objectives and practicing the department’s values. The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the professional care and custody of those incarcerated in our prison, the security of our courts, and the prompt investigation of crimes when they occur. Our mission is to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy and ensure our county is a safe place to live, work and visit. We are fully committed to this mission and to the district we serve, and we take responsibility for achieving our goal of excellence in our profession.
Dallas County Expungement Expo
The Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, in cooperation with the Dallas County District Secretary’s Office, has announced its 6th Annual Dallas County Expunction Expo. This exhibition offers people who meet certain criteria the opportunity to have their criminal records erased.
Why is it important? Because an arrest, even for a misdemeanor, can haunt a person for the rest of his life. They can block paid employment, access to schools and universities, prevent people from hiring, and prevent people from joining the military.
How to Send Photos to the Dallas County North Tower Jail
The Dallas County North Tower Jail at the Lew Sterrett Justice Center allows mail to be mailed to inmates as long as the person mailing the mail follows the rules. Different rules apply to mailing letters to detainees, mailing packages, and mailing photos.
- No photos larger than 8″ x 10″ may be sent to an inmate
- Do not send polaroids as it is prohibited
- Photos depicting any kind of violence or profanity
- Photos depicting pornography or sexually enticing content are prohibited
- Do not send photos or other mail with a fixed surface or backing
Why It’s important to abide by the terms of your bail bond agreement
Basically, a guarantor will loan you the cost of the bail bond on the assumption that you will appear in court. If you miss the court date, the bail bondsman will work with the bounty hunters to track you down.
When you fill out a deposit application, you must pay a full percentage of the cost of the deposit to the deposit manager you are working with. While the deposit is temporary, this fee is permanent. Think of it as the commission the bail bondsman receives for providing a bail bonds service.
Follow the rules below to successfully send books to inmates…
- Rule 1
- Rule 2
- Rule 3
- Rule 4
- Rule 5
- Rule 6
- Rule 7
Most Texas prisons do not accept books from small local bookstores. Likewise, they will not accept books sent by the inmate’s friends and relatives. You must ship books directly from a major national bookstore like Amazon.