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What does custody release mean in California?

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    Regardless of the reason for your arrest, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court. Whether you are currently in custody or have been released after an arrest, DM Cantor can help clear your name. All of our defense attorneys are experienced in providing criminal defense legal services to Arizona residents to combat charges, clear arrest records and more.

    Do I need a lawyer at or before my indictment?

    It is always a good idea to have a lawyer assist you with your accusation. If you cannot afford one, you can ask the judge to assign a court-appointed attorney to your case. You’ll have to wait until your indictment to do that. If your financial situation (the judge must classify you as “penniless”) makes you ineligible for court attorney and you have not hired an attorney for the day of your arraignment, you can ask the judge for an extension.

    Judges routinely grant extensions of appearance to give you more time to hire an attorney. But don’t make it a habit. The judge will likely grant you a continuation without issue. Any more than that and you’ll piss off the judge.

    How are the release conditions defined?

    Remember, if charges are brought at the indictment, a judge only knows the charges. Handling release condition issues is a perfect opportunity for your criminal defense attorney Lawyer to begin educating a judge about the positive qualities of his client.

    The terms of release will be determined by a criminal judge after comparing the facts and evidence to the standards described in CrR 3.2 or CrRLJ 3.2, depending on whether you are charged with a felony or a criminal offence. The factors that courts consider when determining release or bail terms are the same in all Washington state courts, whether superior, district or municipal, and are set forth in these Rules and developed in case law. Our criminal defense attorneys regularly prepare for this hearing by gathering evidence that our clients pose no risk to the community, will appear in court, and are not at risk of absconding.

    Advance Fees

    Most people are familiar with the term “advance fee”. An advance fee is simply an amount of money paid upfront to secure the services of an attorney. Advance fees are generally non-refundable, meaning that once you have paid an advance fee to an attorney, you cannot recover that money even if you decide not to use the attorney’s services.

    In some cases, attorneys may charge a fee to begin work on a case. In other cases, a lawyer may not charge a fee, but may instead charge an hourly rate for their services. You should ask your attorney in advance how they charge for their services so you know what to expect.

    Statement Regarding Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Recruits Injured in Accident

    LOS ANGELES: The Los Angeles County Parole Department sends prayers to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Angeles County after yesterday’s horrific accident as a driver hit a group of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Recruits who were running as part of their academy training. 25 people were injured and five are currently in critical condition.

    “We pray for those injured in yesterday’s terrible accident. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. It is a tragedy to see this happen to recruits who have been trained to serve their communities. Public safety is essential in the world we live in today. We will continue to pray for the welfare and livelihood of all recruits,” said Probation Director Dr. Adolfo Gonzales.
