Pursuant to Section 68511.7 of the Government Code, the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin is providing the public with a notice and opportunity for comment prior to acceptance of the court’s proposed FY2022 benchmark budget plan in the first instance. 2023.
The court will accept written comments on the proposed baseline budget plan (attached) until 5 p.m. on Friday, December 2, 2022. Pursuant to Government Code Section 68511.7(d), the Court has no obligation to respond to comments received. Send your comments electronically to sbohrer@sjcourts.org or by mail to:
Does a criminal record prevent someone from receiving benefits?
Anyone who has had contact with the police should check their criminal record to determine if they are entitled to any benefits or relief. Contacting the police includes obtaining a subpoena for public disorder, violating probation or probation, making a DUI arrest, accepting a plea bargain, stopping at the border while attempting to enter a country, stamping or overturn a conviction and much more. A lawyer can help assess the risk of foreclosure.
If you know how to find someone in prison and you know what you’re doing, it’s easy (and free) to do a warrant check. You can do this to view someone’s arrest records or pending warrants. You can also check arrest warrants online from the comfort of your own home.
What if an arrest was made but the charges were later dropped?
California law permits persons arrested but never convicted to seal and destroy (automatically) their arrest records.
Sealing an arrest means the records will not appear on most criminal background checks and arrest records such as police reports, fingerprints, incarceration photos and criminal records will be erased.
What’s the best way to look up recent arrests in Oakland?
Persons arrested by the Oakland Police Department are held in custody at the City Jail for no longer than 96 hours. Because the arraignment usually occurs before this period, the arrested person is usually released on bail or sent to county jail if bail is not granted. If this is the case,
- If you need details of the Oakland arrests within 24 hours, you should contact the Police Department at (510) 777-3333.
- If it has been more than 96 hours since the arrest, you can find out if you are being held at the Alameda County Jail by using the Arrest Application at https://www.acgov.org /sheriff_app/.