Clinton Lee Young: Loud and clear Subject: Another Thought Date: June 30, 2021
I understand DR is getting 2 Zoom visits. If so, good deal! I thought about it like I usually do when I think of something. That usually happens when you think! The TDCj has raised the number of 70% visits to return to normal. All vaccines target. 70% of the prison system is not visited once a week. I would say only 25% get visitors. Before people in prison got stimulus checks. 60% of the prison inmates were destitute. (This number does not tally with death row, as DR receives more assistance than other classes of inmates.) Well, at 60% homelessness, we can estimate that easily 70% have no visitors. Even more so because there are now video and phone visits. How the heck will TDCj use the visit to pressure people to get vaccinated? 65-75% of prison inmates don’t give a fuck about a visit they can’t have. There are people in the general population who think the vaccine contains microchip nanobits. I even heard that from the officials. Mofos smoke crack and eat dog food! If you’re on the loose and you’re sending someone to K2 prison, stop! Passive smoking makes anyone lose their mind quickly! The amazing thing is that there are guys who smoke K2, inject meth, and have unprotected sex with prison punks. However, they are afraid of a vaccine. As a matter of fact!? Is that what’s holding you back?! Look, TDCj needs to come up with a plan B. Everyone has to play greed or need. Offer free calls for a month, extra visits like 2 a week for a month or 4 hour visits for family members who wouldn’t normally qualify. Tell the guys in G5 level 2 or 3 that they can go to G4/G3 if they get the shot or go back to level one if they get at least one shot. When a guy is G5 and has these stimulus checks. He has months of service restrictions.
He can’t spend it. Sometimes it is not in the game for 1-2-3 months. If TDCj with a lot of restrictions or something goes to a G5 and says, “Look, take the shot. We will remove all restrictions and place it in G4/G3.” That would make them want to get it. This is a large carrot that you dangle in front of a person. For those who are not in fashion. G5 is closed detention.
TDCJ: Important Terms You Should Know
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) exists “…to ensure public safety, to promote positive change in the behavior of criminals, criminals reintegrating into society and helping crime’s victims.” If you fall into any of these categories: whether you are a defendant charged with a crime, an inmate convicted of a crime, a victim of a crime, or a family member of one of these people, you will have questions about TDCJ and how it works. Below is a non-exhaustive list of important terms you may need to know as you become familiar with TDCJ. If you need help with your case or have any questions to the TDCJ and the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, contact the law firm of Cofer Luster, PC for an experienced attorney r criminal justice to speak.
What types of votes are there?
When an offender2 is reviewed for parole, there is usually no “yes” or “no” vote. The parole board has many options when it comes to granting or denying parole. For parole approvals, the board can order many types of votes called FI votes. The most common votes include: immediate release (FI-1 vote), substance abuse programs FI-5, FI-6, or FI-R vote) or sex offender programs (FI-4, FI-9, and FI-18 vote) . In fact, last year about two-thirds of parole offenders had to complete a prison program before being released.
Offenders generally stay in the county jail no longer than 45 days after conviction. This is called the “capture chain”. Perpetrators must first go to a recording unit. The male intake units are the Byrd, Gurney, Holliday, and Garza West units. Women generally go to Plane State Jail and Woodman State Jail for admission.