A criminal record contains information about an offender’s criminal history and current offense, as well as their physical description, photograph, aliases and prior convictions. Look up the TDCJ inmate search today to make sure that the person you’re dealing with is who they claim to be and to find out what their prior offenses are! If you want to look up information on an offender in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) system, you have several different methods of doing so at your disposal, including the TDCJ Inmate Search.
Go to the TDCJ inmate search website
The inmate search is a great way to learn more about offenders, such as their names, locations and offenses. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice offers several ways of looking up information about inmates, including a tdcj inmate locator. You can also search for an offender by name or ID number on the tdcj inmate lookup.
Trying to find out more about a person that you know?
Enter the offender’s name, TDCJ number, SID number or case number
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) inmate search provides several ways to help you look up information about an offender. To get started, just enter any one of these identifiers: name, TDCJ number, SID number or case number.

Choose the type of information you want to see
The TDCJ inmate search provides several ways to help you look up information about an offender in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) system. You can find out their name, location and offense type. For free, you can also see their photo and status. Check it now for all your criminal justice needs!
View the results of your search
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) inmate search provides several ways to help you look up information about an offender in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) system. For example, you can use their name, location or offense. If you’re trying to find out where an offender is incarcerated, it’s best to use their last known location or their offenses.
For questions and comments, please email: classify@tdcj.texas.gov. For more information – click here TDCJ Classification.
For technical difficulties with the search, please email: webadmin@tdcj.texas.gov and explain the problem you are having. We will address the issue as quickly as possible.