Credit Time
Regardless of classification, TDCJ can only award good behavior time when an inmate is actively participating in an accredited program. Agricultural, vocational, educational, or treatment programs qualify. If TDCJ determines that an inmate is unable to participate in the program, good time credit may still be earned. The availability of programs and efforts to earn credit for good conduct varies from unit to unit. So make sure your loved ones are using what they can.
Your loved ones can earn time for good behavior based on their classification. Each eligible occupant begins with a Line Class I time increment classification. Inmates can then work their way up to a higher time increment status (State Recognized Trustee); However, TDJC can also downgrade them to a lower line class status where they earn less or no time for good behavior.
Creating a Defense Strategy
Your attorney will know what defense strategies are best suited to your case. They will investigate your arrest to determine the proper police procedure for your chemical test results. They will even look for other defenses that might suit your case.
DWI attorneys know the proper procedures for all steps of a DWI arrest and ensure no mistakes are made. A strong defense is one of the most important parts of any case.
There is a lot of pressure on you to admit your guilt before the trial. The prosecution will try to get you to accept a deal that they present as best for you. Having a DWI attorney conducting the negotiations can prevent you from reaching an agreement in a weak case. Your attorney will be able to identify the weaknesses of the prosecution in the case. They may be able to give you a better offer or even dismiss your case based on the evidence. Your lawyer may even reduce your fees. Negotiations are at the heart of your case, and having a DWI attorney who knows the details can save you a lot of trouble.
What is court clemency?
If the judge releases a probation officer from direct parole, the judge may reverse the sentence and allow the probation officer to withdraw his guilty plea, drop the charges, and relieve the probationer of all sentences and disabilities that result from the crime. .
This is known as judicial clemency. For example, if a felony conviction is vacated, that felony cannot constitute the criminal record required to support a conviction for a criminal’s possession of a firearm. For people interested in restoring their right to bear arms, this is a very worthwhile proposition. A trial court retains the power to grant judicial pardons for only 30 days after releasing a defendant from probation.