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Are mugshots public NYC?

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    The Innocence Project supports Gov. Cuomo’s proposal to amend the state’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIL) to prohibit the public release of confidential information and mug shots that law enforcement agencies collect upon an arrest. Governor Cuomo introduced the change to curb unwarranted invasions of privacy encouraged by making this information readily available to the public.

    Although many Americans share the assumption that a person’s mug shot is only available when a person is found guilty of a crime, or that a person’s mug shot tantamount to their guilt, this is often not the case . But through this assumption, many are unaware that a person can be arrested, charged, and then acquitted. Despite being acquitted of the crime, their mug shots are often still available to the world, exposing them to the inappropriate side effects that follow.

    Hiring an attorney after your drunk driving arrest

    You should always hire an experienced attorney to represent you in your drunk driving case as early as possible. This is especially true if a police officer starts asking you questions after you have been arrested. In this case, you should assert your right to a lawyer immediately during the interrogation.

    You must not answer any questions against your will without an attorney present, either in person or by telephone. If you assert your right to an attorney and the police officer continues to question you, anything you say in response can be suppressed in a criminal DUI proceeding. This is especially true if the officer asks if you’ve been drinking or how much you’ve been drinking.

    New York Inmate Registry

    New York has more than 51,000 inmates incarcerated in its statewide prison system. A requester may have a number of reasons for seeking occupant information.

    • The person may be a victim or witness in a case and wants to know the status of an inmate.
    • The person is a nonprofit organization that helps inmates in some cases, or an attorney reviewing a case.
    • The person is also an employer who wants to know more about the tenure of a potential employee.

    Reasons for the New York Mugshot Law

    The New York Mugshot Law is part of a broader effort to make life easier for people of belief. The law comes at a time when many crimes across the state are at record lows.

    The mugshot legislation has angered many media organizations in New York. And after reading the bill, many pundits found loopholes, a real concern for New Yorkers.
