The Innocence Project celebrates New York City’s decision to finally make amends to Muhammad A. Aziz and the family of the late Khalil Islam. Both men spent more than 20 years unjustly imprisoned for the murder of civil rights activist Malcolm X. Nothing can restore the lost time and decades the two men spent apart from their families, but with this payment, the city has taken a step to rectify the situation. grave injustice committed decades ago.
Barry Scheck, co-founder of the Innocence Project and Special Counsel, commenting on the exoneration of Mr. Aziz and Mr. Islam said: “The assassination of Malcolm X was a historic event that required diligent investigation and prosecution, but produced instead one of the most egregious judicial errors I have ever seen. Officially correcting the incorrect historical narrative surrounding one of the most significant events in 20th-century US history allows us to learn from it and prevent future miscarriages.”
Prison Labor Classification
Inmates People who work here perform duties such as supplying goods and services to the public sector, private sector businesses, and manufacturing.Convenience stores operated by correctional facilities are sometimes referred to as correctional facilities, and generate revenue for their own operating inmates Those who work in these industries earn an average of 63 cents an hour, according to the state.
This is the most common job for inmates, but it’s one of the lowest-paying as inmates make just 14 cents an hour Duties include preparing meals, maintaining maintenance of prison grounds, laundry, boiler repair and secretarial duties.
Prison suicides are on the rise
Prison suicides are on the rise: 340 people in state and federal prisons and 355 in local prisons died by suicide in 2019, according to the latest death rates from the Federal Bureau of judicial statistics. The number of suicides in local prisons increased by 5% from 2018 to 2019, while suicides in state and federal prisons remained stable.
Suicide accounted for nearly a third of deaths in local prisons and 8% of deaths in state and federal prisons in 2019, according to the BJS. Nearly a fifth of the country’s 1,161 state and federal prisons and a tenth of the 2,845 local jails had at least one suicide in 2019.
Prisons are for criminals
When a defendant is found guilty and convicted, he or she becomes an “offender” instead of a “defendant” and receives a DOC (Department of Corrections) #. Then they will go to a prison to serve their sentence. Prisons are state or federal institutions and are generally much more difficult places than jails. Mississippi has federal prisons in Yazoo City and Natchez, and three state prisons: the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility in Pearl, the South Mississippi Correctional Institution in Leakesville, and the Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman. In addition, there are 11 regional correctional facilities throughout Mississippi.
If you have a friend or loved one who is incarcerated and you are not sure where they are, you can call the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC) at 601-359-5600 or go online at and enter the inmate’s name.