When child protection services are involved in a child custody case, a specific set of criteria are used to determine if the health and safety standards in the home are acceptable. CPS does not specifically require that each child have their own room. However, there are some rules as to who can share a bedroom.
Per CPS policy, no more than two children may share a room and each child must have a separate bed with clean sheets, pillows, blankets, and a mattress. In addition, children of the opposite sex are not allowed to share a room if they are older than five years. CPS also requires children to have separate rooms from adults unless the child is an infant.
Does the Child Protection Service (CPS) require children to have their own rooms?
The short answer is no, child protection services do not require children to have their own spaces. However, there are some rules about who can and cannot share a bedroom.
In general, one bedroom should not accommodate more than two children. Most states have a “2+1” occupancy limit, which means two people can share a bedroom and one person can sleep in a living space.
What exactly are unfit parents?
The legal definition of an unfit parent is when the parent’s conduct fails to provide adequate guidance, care or support. If there are problems with abuse, neglect or substance abuse, that parent will also be considered unfit.
In most cases where a parent is found unfit, Child Services has been involved and there may be a safety plan or active investigation pending against the parent.
CPS may ask you nosy and intrusive questions
CPS may ask you questions that seem irrelevant to your case. These questions are not accusations. During the investigation, CPS will want to cover everything. If you don’t speak English, you have the right to an interpreter.
Carers have the right to speak openly with their social worker about the ongoing investigation. However, parents and carers should keep in mind that these exchanges are not confidential and can be used in court. Before you interview your social worker, consult with an attorney so you know exactly what to say.
No more than two people per bedroom.
In general, one bedroom should not accommodate more than two children. Two people per bedroom is generally considered the occupancy limit for rental purposes. In many cases there is a “2+1” occupancy limit, which means there can be two people per bedroom plus one person in a living space.
In general, CPS does not approve boys and girls sharing a room after they are five years old. If a sibling is over the age of five, you should make every effort to ensure that they are not sharing a room with someone of the opposite sex.