In Florida, depending on the type of charge you or your loved ones are facing, penalties can range from a distraction to a fine and mandatory jail time, even on your first offense. However, our attorneys pride themselves on not using scaremongering to justify extremely high legal fees, but instead provide you with an honest assessment of what you can expect based on your circumstances and our knowledge of the nature of the charges and the costs involved that the judge or prosecutor assigned him. the case. It is a good idea to speak with an attorney who can give you a fair assessment before making a decision about how to proceed with your case. Jail time is generally NOT likely if it is a misdemeanor and you are a first time offender.
However, if your case involves a felony, particularly a felony, it is important to speak with an attorney to discuss a mandatory minimum sentence or prison sentence based on the specific charge. Generally, a mandatory jail or prison term comes into play when the offense is a drug trafficking offense (even if it is a first offense or first offense), when the offense involved a firearm, and Sometimes felonies can involve mandatory time due to domestic issues. violence. Do not hesitate to contact one of our attorneys to discuss your specific facts so that he can get a direct answer to your questions.
If you have parked in a disabled parking space without a permit, contact an experienced attorney today
Even seemingly simple parking and traffic violations can have devastating legal consequences. An experienced traffic defense attorney can teach you more about Florida rules and regulations and represent you if you are accused of violating disabled parking laws. Contact the Law Office of Umansky today.
How a Florida DUI Lawyer Can Help Minors
Underage drivers facing DUI in Florida do not go through the typical DUI criminal process. Instead, these cases are handled by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Brian Gabriel, a child alcohol abuse attorney, can guide you and his son through this step-by-step process and represent his son’s interests at the hearing.
Defense attorney Brian Gabriel can also help his son apply for a hardship card. This type of driver’s license entitles the holder to drive to and from work during the closure period. However, you must use an Ignition Interlock (IID) during this time. Hardship license applicants must also complete at least 30 days of their suspension and enroll in a substance abuse education course.
What if this is your first offense in Florida?
In Florida, prosecutors and courts can exercise some leniency toward first-time offenders. Being charged for the first time can have several benefits:
reduction or reduction of your charges
possession of marijuana
You can be charged with a misdemeanor or third degree felony if he is caught in possession of marijuana. If you are caught with up to 20 grams of cannabis in Florida, you face up to a year in prison, a year of probation and a $1,000 fine if convicted. For 20 grams or more, you could be charged with a third degree felony and face up to five years in prison, five years of probation and a $5,000 fine.
If you are convicted of possession of up to 28 grams of cocaine, 4 grams of heroin, 14 grams of methamphetamine, 7 grams of oxycodone, and 3 grams of a synthetic drug, you face up to five years in prison, five years of probation and a $5,000 fine. He faces a similar sentence if he is in possession of any amount of Xanax without a prescription.