Recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month for over 70 years, May is a time to raise awareness of mental and behavioral health issues. Resources and resources are available to you and your incarcerated loved ones throughout the year; Support does not have to end at the end of the month.
In 2022, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reported that 2 in 5 inmates had a history of mental illness (37% in state and federal prisons and 44% in local prisons). Almost 66% of incarcerated women reported a history of mental illness, nearly double the percentage of incarcerated men. However, less than a quarter of these individuals receive treatment while in detention. As a family member of an incarcerated person, it is important to talk about the challenges, stigma and needed solutions related to mental illness.
California Deposit Types
Several factors determine which type of deposit applies to your case. A judge determines the amount based on the alleged crime, the defendant’s prior crimes, and the jurisdiction of the arrest. Certain types of bails are used on rare occasions, while others are used more often.
Welcome to Paradise
Complete list of Southern California prisons that offer pay-to-stay programs:
Los Angeles County
What is with my house? ?
A prison sentence does not cancel a lease or a mortgage. Depending on whether you rent or own, you have several options.
- Rent. If you are renting, you should consider terminating your lease or subletting your home while you are incarcerated. While you may not want to do this if you’re only in jail for a month, it may be better to pay a fine to end your lease early if you’re in jail for a longer period of time, so you don’t have to pay rent while in jail to count.
- owner. This is more complicated and depends on being able to continue paying your mortgage while incarcerated. A custodial sentence may mean you no longer receive money, but a home annuity means you still have to pay the money. If you are financially unable to continue paying your mortgage while you are in prison, you should consider renting your home to someone else, or contact your mortgage lender to see if there is a way Lower your payments during your incarceration prison.